Fresno is a modest central California town with quite an interesting claim to fame: it’s the home of the California Raisins. Fresnans know that the Tule fog sets the city apart from that “sunny every day” misconception visitors can have about California. Speaking of misconceptions, sexually transmitted diseases can be difficult to talk about, even when the smart choice is talk, test and treat, as the CDC highlights.1 In Fresno, reported cases of HIV and primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis are on the rise, a cause for concern of the sexual health in the greater Fresno County Area.2-4 There’s a more convenient option out there, other than scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician or visiting a free clinic. Read on to learn more about
Nearly 975,000 people call the Fresno county area home.5 Catching a Bulldogs game or spending time with family and friends at River Park is fun for both locals and tourists alike, and is even better enjoyed when you’re less busy worrying about pressing concerns like STD testing. The STD rate across California continues to climb each year, based on surveillance reports from the California Department of Public Health.2&3 Getting tested is one of the most simple ways to stop the spread of sexually transmitted disease.’s process is intuitive and it’s testing is fast, confidential and affordable. Getting started requires answering a few brief questions either online or by phone. You’ll then receive a doctor-recommended panel of tests based on your responses. Choose a lab from a network of thousands nationwide to get your test samples collected that is most convenient for you. No appointments are required and same-day options are available for these visits that typically last less an half hour. Results are delivered to you usually within three business days or less. Our medical team is available to answer follow up questions you may have, discuss your diagnosis and more. Take control of your sexual health and get tested.
Compared to other major metropolitan areas in California, Fresno is starting to see a decline in the reporting of new sexually transmitted infections. While P&S syphilis is increasing and HIV infections continue to climb, Fresno county doesn’t rank within the top 10 most infected HIV infected county areas in the state (Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego are the top three, respectively).2-4 Additionally, reported infections of chlamydia and gonorrhea are on the decline in the greater Fresno area.
In 2014, 5,689 new chlamydia infections were reported in Fresno County, making it the most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease in the area. 6,110 new infections were reported in 2013, thus demonstrating the decrease from year over year, according to the California Department of Health. In a similar downward trend, 1,507 new gonorrhea infections were reported in 2014 compared to 1,745 in 2013.6 Of the 2010-2014 reporting data, 2013 also accounted for the highest number of infections reported, with a low of 798 in 2010.7 Regarding primary and secondary syphilis cases, 119 new infections were reported in 2014 compared to 101 in 2013.4 While this is one of the least-commonly reported STDs in the Fresno County area, left untreated, it can result in severe conditions like ocular or neurosyphilis (a syphilis infection of the brain). Congenital syphilis is a condition that can be passed on from mother to child and is often severe medical difficulties or even fatality for the child.8
Sexual education in Fresno and statewide in California calls for a comprehensive, medically accurate, age appropriate sexual education curriculum for public school students grades K-12, as mandated by the California State Law Education Code.9 Comprehensive sexual education is defined by an approach that incorporates practicing abstinence and making healthy choices with a more in-depth knowledge of contraception, safe sex, HIV/AIDS and more.10 California state law also recently mandated a new unit for inclusion in the approved sexual education curriculum discussing sexual harassment, dating and violence and consent, according to California Senate Bill 695.11
With this variety of resources and information available at their disposal, Fresno County public school students are given the potential to be empowered by knowledge of their sexual health, rather than discouraged by it. When a person can identify the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, it removes a barrier in asking for help, getting tested and if appropriate, getting treated, all in an effort to slow down the spread of disease amongst the youth of Fresno County, California. Even though cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea are on the decline in the area, it is young people who are the most at risk for contracting these STIs that often present with no symptoms. Ensuring that adolescents and young adults are provided the proper information to make educated decisions about sexual health is a major goal of sexual education programs across the country.
The most common age group affected by sexually transmitted disease varies slightly by disease, but in the instance of chlamydia and gonorrhea, young adults age 15-24 are the most commonly affected, according to Fresno County statistical reporting. Of the 4,353 new infections reported by females living in Fresno County in 2014, 67.6% belonged to the 15-24 age group. Of all the chlamydia cases reported in the county that year, 76.5% of the total affected the female population. Regarding gonorrhea reporting, 55% of 1,507 total infections were reported by women, with the highest-incidence age group once again being 15-24 year olds (51.3% of all female infections). Males affected by gonorrhea were most likely to fall in the 20-29 age group (43.9% of all male infections).12
The two most common age groups to be affected by primary and secondary syphilis by gender are 35-44 year old females and males 45 or older.12 The most common age group for HIV infections across the state of California is 30-39. This age group accounts for 15,953 infections out of 46,587 reported across California in 2013.2
The racial/ethnic group most commonly affected by sexually transmitted diseases in Fresno County varies by infection. In the case of chlamydia, the Hispanic community is the most affected, accounting for 2,490 infections out of a total 5,869. This trend continues for gonorrhea infections, with the Hispanic community reporting 630 out of 1,507 diagnoses. The most common racial/ethnic group to report infections of P&S syphilis is once again the Hispanic population, accounting for 59 of 119 cases reported in Fresno County. In California, the most common racial/ethnic group to diagnosed with HIV infections is the white population, with 20,284 reported infections of the total 46,587 in the state of California in 2013.2&12
In order to maintain the downward trends of STDs in the area, getting tested is essential. Knowing the risk factors and taking action can help to slow the spread of disease in Fresno County and beyond.
Isn’t your free time better spent having fun at Island Water Park than feeling the pressure about getting tested for STDs. Take control of your sexual health by getting informed of your status with a service that is fast, confidential and affordable. Answer a few brief questions online or by phone and you’ll be on your way to getting tested and getting results, usually within three business days or less. Our medical team is available as well as a dedicated team of Care Advisors to answer any questions that might arise. Get tested. It’s for your better health.