You Can Get An STD More Than Once

A very common misconception about STDs is that if you’ve gotten it once, then you cannot contract it again. Unfortunately, that simply is not true. Some STDs, such as herpes or HIV, are viral. While manageable with long term treatment, the virus will remain in your body for the rest of your life. Other STDs,…

These Are The Most Common STDs

STD case rates have been rising across the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been tracking this increase in STDs for some time. Some STDs are far more common than others which begs the question; what are some of the most common STDs? Let’s take a look: Human Papillomavirus, or HPV…

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Maybe you have heard of bacterial vaginosis but didn’t quite understand what it was. Simply put, bacterial vaginosis is an infection caused when too much of a certain bacteria changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina. Women in their reproductive years are more likely to get bacterial vaginosis, but it can affect women…

Swab Testing and Urine Testing: What’s the Difference?

There can be a lot of questions about testing for STDs. Many people do not know how tests are performed. One of the first questions asked by patients can be, “Will the testing hurt?” This question arises because patients do sometimes assume that an STD test means that they must submit to an invasive swab…

Does A Pap Test Look for STDs?

Many women believe when they have a Pap smear test, they are also being tested for STDs. This isn’t always the case. While it is true that a doctor may collect fluids at the time of a Pap smear test for the purpose of running additional testing, it does not mean that they are testing…

Any Sexually Active Person Can Get An STD

Many people are under the misconception that only a “certain type of person” can get an STD. There is a stigma attached to STDs that make people think you have to be promiscuous or unhygienic in order to catch one. Simply put, anyone can contract an STD. First, you should know that it is possible…

Chlamydia: One of the Most Common STDs

In every state, the most commonly reported STD is chlamydia. This infection is a particular risk to teenagers and young adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a steady increase in chlamydia cases among young people over the past several years. Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs. It is spread through…

Pubic Lice – What are “Crabs?”

What is Pubic Lice, or “Crabs?” Public lice, often referred to as “crabs,” are small, six-legged creatures that infest hair in the pubic region of the body. These creatures can also infest other parts of the body but are most commonly transferred from one person to another during sexual contact. Pubic lice can be transmitted…

Always Use Condoms Correctly

It is important to use protection during sexual intercourse. When used properly, latex condoms are an excellent measure to take when protecting yourself from STDs and unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are often viewed as a simple and effective tool for sexual protection. Some people on the internet think that using more than one condom adds extra…

Is my STD a Virus or a Bacteria?

The news that you have contracted an STD can often seem devastating. Many people think that having an STD means that your life is changed forever. While it is true that some STDs will be with you the rest of your life, there are others that are easily curable. There are three base causes for…